Thursday, 14 November 2013

Signs and Reasons to get rid off a phobia

A cognitive behavior therapy center faces several kinds of cases that emerge from stress. Stress by itself is one problem that compounds into a hundred others over a period of time. Phobias or fear represent one such category. Almost all of us have some kind of fear – fear of bugs, height, ghosts, flying, injections and what not. While it is normal to be afraid of something, letting any fear impair your life or ruin your peace of mind can be extremely incapacitating. Enveloping fears can result in extreme anxiety and interfere with normal life. That’s when they become phobias. But phobias can be corrected and individuals can lead normal lives.

A renowned center for behavioral therapy can design great solutions to help individuals tackle phobias or irrational fears. Fear is an adaptive response. It triggers the automatic fight or flight mechanism and causes

physical and emotional changes. In the case of phobias, these mechanisms are heightened to the extent of triggering irrational reactions or behavior in humans. Phobias can be categorized into animal phobias, natural environment phobias, social phobias and medical phobias.

Breathing difficulties, racing heart, tightness in the chest, dizziness, shivers, hot or cold flashes, sweating, intense need to escape, overreacting, loss of control and the feeling of passing out are all symptoms of a phobia. These have the ability to make you lose track and prevent you from engaging in normal activities. Therefore, the need to get rid off them is huge.

Lisa on her experience and fight against stress


For more details, visit
- The Midwest Center 

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