Monday 23 December 2013

How can Cognitive Behavior Therapy help you deal with Stress?

A professionally run Cognitive behavior therapy center follows the fundamental principles that define the therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy is built on the premise that our thoughts and patterns govern our behavior and reactions and external triggers have little or no impact on how we feel or respond. While there are several established therapies around the world to treat anxiety and its related disorders, cognitive therapy is a winning model that has been proven time and again in the treatment of stress related troubles.

A renowned center for Cognitive behavioral therapy works around cognitive restricting wherein negative thinking patterns are challenged and the mind is restructured to replace them with positive thoughts so as to contribute to better responses and behaviors. This process is handled in a series of three steps.

Cognitive Behavior TherapyDetermining negative thoughts: When individuals are anxious, their fears and perceptions are heightened and dangerous. Combating even the most irrational of fears can be very difficult for the individual. The intervention of a therapist makes life simple by facilitating you to identify what causes anxiety and what you were thinking then.

Challenging negative thoughts:  This is the stage of evaluation where your therapist can help you analyze your beliefs, evaluate reality of your perceptions and seek evidence of your negative thoughts. This stage often includes experiments and attempts to rationalize even the most irrational of fears.

Substituting negative thoughts with positive ones: While identification of negative thoughts is the first and most difficult of steps, replacing them with more realistic and optimistic thought patterns is the second and most crucial of stages. Calming statements and perceptions reinforce positive attitude.

Feedback on a CBT based program- Liz

- Midwest Center
Attacking Anxiety and Depression


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