Friday, 31 January 2014

Laugh out Stress, Laughter bids Goodbye to Stress

Stress is a simple term to several complex issues. Stress is a part of modern lifestyle because the modern man has too much on his platter and very little time. A lot has been said about what causes stress so much that it is now evident that it is an inevitable component of life and every stress relief service center is proof enough to the burgeoning problem. Hence, the need to deal with it is imperative and significant because there are a lot of problems that stress can create in an individual’s life, some that can even be fatal. So, here’s one magical mechanism that can help alleviate stress to a considerable extent and making a habit out of it can help you get away from many troubles as well.

Stress relief center

Laughter is the best medicine” is a well known saying. There are several clinical approaches a proficient stress relief center delivers to help people combat stress and the methodologies have benefited several millions of people. But laughter is a simple and cost effective mechanism that can guarantee substantial results in bidding goodbye to stress. So, what can laughter give you?

1. Stimulate
Laughter holds the power to stimulate several organs of the human body including heart, lungs and muscles. It also promotes brain development. Since intake of oxygen is facilitated when you laugh, there are a lot of benefits your body derives from laughing.

2. Enhance immune system
Laughter is usually created by positive thoughts or actions. And when you make it a habit to laugh; positive thoughts increase thereby releasing neuropeptides for fighting stress and other serious illnesses.

3. Activate and relieve
Stimulating your stress response is what any stress relief center aims to achieve. A good laughter activates your stress response and also relieves it thereby offering a very relaxed feeling.

4. Satisfaction
You can connect with others and yourself when you laugh well. You will begin to appreciate things around and the reasons to stress about will slowly come to a standstill.

5. Brings down tension
Blood circulation and muscle relaxation are both achieved through good laughter. This way, tension is slowly soothed and physical symptoms are gradually abated.

Judy Carter

     Every stress relief center works to bring down stress and help individuals address their own problems in the long run. Laughter is one such mechanism that can create a lot of difference in the way you view challenges.  

- Midwest Center
Stress relief center

Monday, 27 January 2014

Why Cognitive Therapy is Rated the Best to Treat Depression?

Having bad thoughts or a bad mood? It is quite normal which everyone do have. But in some cases, these thoughts become extremely negative and detrimental to routine and even living and that is when the role of depression treatment centers loom large. Such prolonged negative thoughts cause depression and distort your perception of reality. Depressive thoughts do not usually occur willfully or intentionally. They are automatic but are aggravated by certain triggers. Research has shown that sometimes there may be a grain of truth in the thoughts. However, depressed individuals exaggerate the situation to be subjected to ill effects of the problem.

Cognitive behavioral therapy has been identified as one of the most effective forms of therapy in depression treatment and several depression treatment centers in the world adopt Cognitive therapy for obvious reasons. 

Cognitive therapy vs. other forms of therapy

Cognitive therapy is considered as a superior form of therapy adopted by experts across the world because of the following reasons.

1. Treating mild to moderate depression

Cognitive therapy works as quickly and effectively as anti-depressant medicines to treat mild to moderate depressive conditions. And in the long run, studies have shown that cognitive therapy works better than anti-depressant medications to even handle severe forms of depression.

Depression treatment centers2. Preventing relapses

Cognitive therapy is not a temporary approach that helps a person rid off his depressive thoughts. When practiced regularly, the skills learnt help to prevent relapses. A relapse is very common and characteristic of depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy has shown to replace medications to prevent relapses.

3. Minimizes lingering symptoms of depression

Even after successful treatment, individuals may experience some symptoms of the condition like sleeplessness, nervousness and less debilitating signs. However, these can create trouble in the long run. But an effective center for cognitive therapy has the ability to cut down such residual symptoms however mild they can be. 

Owing to its high rate of success and speed in treating the condition, Cognitive therapy has been identified as one of the most cost-effective forms of therapy. Depression treatment centers deliver and observe positive results in weeks rather than months or years unlike other therapy approaches. Cognitive therapy can work in isolation for some people, but in some others, a combination of anti-depressant medications with therapy has been identified to demonstrate success. Even the physical symptoms of depression have been shown to improve with Cognitive behavior therapy effectively.  

 Dr. Joel Becker

- Midwest Center
Depression Treatment Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Typical Treatment methodologies of Drug treatment centers in California

There was a time when drug treatment centers in California were sprouting by the dozen every month. Each has their own treatment methodologies. Some work and some fail to see daylight. In a country where drug, alcohol or substance abuse is no alien concept and over 25 million adults and teenagers fall into the clutches of these substances, there is bound to be a remarkable development in the way the problem is approached. However, as much as there is a dramatic increase in number of treatment centers, quality does not seem to have made remarkable progress that it should. There is a huge number of celebrities in the country that resort to drug rehabilitation programs almost every week. However, instead of incorporating scientific methodologies, these centers offer abundant opportunities for splurging thousands of dollars on spa, baths and sea views.

Many Drug treatment centers in California must step away from the feel-good factors and outdated methodologies to provide evidence based care to drug victims. Successful treatment is seldom based on fancy approaches or even thousands of dollars. It must be long term since relapse is a large possibility. Regardless of the kind of approach, it is important for drug treatment centers to include the following aspects in some way or the other in order to observe success.

Source: Burback Teens
1. Detoxification

Largely handled in-house, Detoxification involves a series of activities to help victims deal with withdrawal symptoms such as tremors and depression and also to deal with professional and domestic problems (if any) due to absence from their regular hubs. 

2. Diagnosis

Most often, it has been observed that individuals resort to drugs or alcohol due to some innate or inherent psychological issue that has traumatized their past or present. It could be sleep disorders, rape, depression, anxiety or other tragic experiences that have triggered the habit. An accurate diagnosis helps in executing the right treatment methodology.

3. Cognitive therapy

Recognized worldwide as one of the most successful therapeutic approaches to depression, addictions and fear; Cognitive Behavior Therapy targets the problem and conditions the mind to seek alternative and positive triggers. The need to say ‘no’ to drugs is also instilled in the minds of victims quite strongly.  

4. Medication

FDA approved drugs are prescribed by medical professionals to bring down withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Besides psychological conditioning, medications also help post rehab individuals to abstain from their addiction. 

5. Family therapy

Drug treatment centers, California
Family plays a huge role in helping victims of drug or substance abuse come out of the habit, support them during the process and help them refrain from cravings once they have snapped out of it. This process very often takes months and in some extreme cases, may even last a year or more. Support of the family during this period is more important than ever. So, sessions of family therapy prepares them for the struggle ahead and also makes good damaged relationships that may have resulted from the habit.

Drug treatment centers in California append other suitable methodologies to this list to make their treatment approach holistic and effective.

- Midwest Center
Drug treatment center, California

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Busting the Myths associated with Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and psychological services are an intrinsic part of treating emotional and psychological disorders. Besides other elements in the treatment methodology, counseling therapy has been identified as one of the more successful components determining efficacy of a depression treatment program. However, Counseling therapy can be challenging and consume a lot of time. There are also chances for a host of uncomfortable emotions that emerge during the process since counseling addresses the most basic and deepest concerns in an individual’s life in order to make a change from where it arises rather than superficial treatment.

Counseling and psychological services have been over the years associated with some myths and stigma by the society at large. Here is a list of such unreal elements to a counseling therapy.

1. Therapy is meant for crazy people

Counseling and psychological servicesOn the contrary, Counseling and psychological services are meant for people who understand that an expert helping hand can equip them with the right techniques to boost their confidence levels and make them more emotionally balanced.

2. Therapy is only for determining relationships

Determining the nature, kind, intensity and elements of family or other relationships the individual may have is an important element in the approach but it isn't the only deciding factor. This information in necessary because experts need to understand the complete picture to draw the right diagnosis based on which further treatment methodologies can be based if necessary. There have also been several reported cases of depression that have found success in counseling sessions itself.

3. Therapy cannot do more what I can do

The feeling of being smart enough to solve your own problems is often the highest limiting factor to observing the real success of counseling therapy. All individuals have their blind spots. Quantum or extent of intelligence has nothing to do with what you can or cannot do when you are during a low phase of life. And an experienced therapist has the knowledge to impart but he or she does not take decisions for you or create a life for you. That still is dependent upon what you can do.

Lucinda Bassett: A popular therapist

4. Therapy shows no results at all
Therapy is hard work. While you have a helping hand, you must do the work in order to observe results. So, result or no result is often dependent upon the skills of the therapist and your application of obtained knowledge for the betterment of your life.

Success of Counseling and Psychological services is therefore based on the individuals receiving them. It is important to approach the concept with an open mind to seek if it works or not. 

- Midwest Center for Anxiety and Depression
Stress relief treatment center, California

Sunday, 12 January 2014

How Depression in Women Differs from Men?

The universal fact on which Anxiety and Depression treatment centers handle depression in women is based on the premise that effects of depression on women cannot be compared to that on men. There are striking differences that are often dependent upon causes of depression in women and patterns of symptoms. The causes can be usually categorized under reproductive hormones, societal pressures and even women’s response stimuli to stress. Depression can have lasting debilitating impact on social life, relationships, career and also on yourself and hence treatments for anxiety and depression need to be immediate. 

Differences in behavior and attitude between Men and Women

Depression treatment centersProficient Anxiety and Depression treatment centers can demonstrate the striking differences in depression between men and women. When depressed, men tend to blame others for their condition and women associate their condition with themselves and feel guilty. Women feel sad and worthless as opposed to men who feel angry and irritable due to a bruised ego. Women get scared easily but men are excessively guarded. Women try to stay away from conflicts as much as possible and men are usually inclined to get into conflicts. Women tend to eat more, sleep more and also gain weight during depression. But the same cannot be said of men since they tend to find solace in alcohol, sports and sex. Treatments for anxiety and depression must be offered in order to help individuals snap out of the problem quickly.

Causes of the Depression

Anxiety and depression treatment centers have classified causes of depression in women under the specific categories. Premenstrual problems in some women are mild but some others have extreme problems. Pregnancy and infertility have been identified as two of the most common reasons for depression in women. Both have their own associated reasons why they cause depression. Postpartum depression usually tends to subside in a few weeks after child birth but some women observe extreme reaction. Menopause is yet another common cause. Health problems are also potential causes of depression.

Besides the above that are the most common problems, women undergo treatments for anxiety and depression due to body image issues, marital discord, family responsibilities, discrimination issues, financial problems and death. Understanding the reasons for depression helps to deliver the right treatment approach to ensure speedy recovery and long lasting results. Also, setting off relapse is an important need.

- Midwest Center 
Anxiety & Depression treatment center

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Stress Relief Service Centers waves the magic wand with Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Every professional Stress relief service center for Cognitive behavioral therapy extends an insightful therapy focused to enable people recognize and change their negative thoughts and beliefs. Cognitive behavior therapy(CBT) has been identified world over as one of the most widely used and successful therapeutic approaches that is delivered in a structured manner. The approach is known for its efficacy in treating a wide range of mental disorders and even educating people to learn to deal with stressful life situations. The approach is structured, has a scientific format, is usually quick and more importantly offers long lasting results.

Every professional Stress relief center for Cognitive behavioral therapy uses the concept to address emotional challenges and several other issues that include but not restricted to

Stress relief center

1. Coping with stressful situations that life can give you. Such instances can occur at work, personal life, amongst friends or even in the society. These are common and if every such instance ends in discord, then life in itself can become a challenge.

2. Resolving relationship conflicts. Man is a social animal and is dependent upon several people. Conflicts in any relationship are natural and common but such issues should not ruin your way of living. This is where Cognitive behavioral therapy proves beneficial.

3. Managing emotional disorders. Emotional challenges sometimes have a debilitating impact on the life of an individual. They can cause a lot of trauma and disable individuals from leading a smooth life. Cognitive Behavior Therapy helps individuals to overcome trauma by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and educating them to handle it every time they have a challenge before them.

4. Overcoming physical and emotional trauma. Abuse, domestic violence, harassment, rape or other harm inflicted upon an individual by self or others contribute to the nature of trauma suffered.

5. Preventing relapse of a health condition or addiction. If improperly handled, any kind of addiction or health condition is bound to come back. It takes more than one person and several months to properly deliver the treatment approach in staged phases. A strong and long term approach indicates the need to prevent relapse.

Lucinda Bassett
 on effectiveness of her Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy method 

A successful Stress relief center for Cognitive behavioral therapy observes efficacy of the treatment methodology when combined with other treatments including medications, audio lessons, nutritional supplements, self-care, guidebooks and reinforcement cards.

- Midwest Center
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center

Monday, 6 January 2014

Why some Drug treatment centers in California fail?

There is an infinite number of drug treatment centers in California. And despite the number, only one in 10 of the 23.5 million teenagers and adults receive treatment and very often that minuscule number also does not receive the right treatment. Many treatment methodologies offer temporary fixes without understanding the core factors that led to the problem and also do not prepare the victim against relapse.  

Many drug treatment centers in California fail to reach out and make a positive long term difference in the lives of drug / alcohol or substance use addicts. There are some strong reasons that perpetuate the cause.

    Drug treatment centers California
  • Use of outdated methodologies in the treatment approach. As man develops, so does his need, his strengths and even his weaknesses. Therefore, an approach that worked a century ago may not solve a man’s problems today. Problems were different then and most times, there is no semblance between what bothers individuals today and what concerned them then. So a scientific approach is most often necessary and evidence-based treatment is often full-proof. Studies have proven the efficacy of science based approaches in treating drug rehab patients.
  • Quite alarmingly, a large number of drug rehabilitation centers in California and other parts of the country do not use the services of registered medical professionals who have the experience and expertise in handling such patients. The practicing professionals do not possess the credential or skills to offer a full range of services including medication and psycho-social therapy. 
  • Many drug treatment centers in the country are not cognizant of certain scientific treatment methodologies that can produce wonderful results and have been known to make positive differences in the long run. Surprisingly, even the treatment centers flocked to by several hundreds of celebrities every year fail to use scientific approaches that can show results. And with the number of people visiting exorbitantly expensive centers, they better pull up their socks and show what science can do.
  • Many times, people also fail to research and shop for the right drug treatment centers in California. Mere advertisements or big banners do not guarantee positive results. Individuals spend days or even weeks to get the right car or even dress as a matter of fact but aren't willing to invest time to connect to the right drug rehabilitation center. 

There is no short term fix for a problem as chronic as this. While short term courses may offer temporary results, care needs to be extended for months in order to prevent a relapse.

CNN: Drug Rehab Fraud in California   

- Midwest Center


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Self Harm, a result of Stress: Signs and Symptoms.

A successful and professional Pain and Stress relief treatment center in California observes several kinds of cases of stress and depression on a daily basis. Stress and the more extreme depression can cause emotional strains and problems in an individual. But in some cases, it has been seen that stress also creates feelings of self harm in some. Such individuals consider harming self as a way of coping with problems. It serves as a fix to the problem momentarily or temporarily. But when the painful or tragic feelings return, the need to hurt yourself will come back again. As painful as it can sound, this condition can put you in despair, make you helpless and ruin your relationships. Early diagnosis can save you a lot of trouble and boost your confidence levels.

Any reputed Pain and Stress relief center or at least the Stress relief treatment center in California will list down the following signs and symptoms of self-injury in order to ensure possibility of identification in the early stages itself.
    Stress relief center
  • Extreme acts of self harm(mainly because of depression) that include cutting or scratching skin so as to make it bleed, burning, hitting or banging against wall, swallowing poisonous substances etc.
  • Less obvious ways can also be categorized under ways of hurting self and can include intentionally putting yourself in danger, drunken driving, unsafe sex, consumption of drugs in excess and intentionally preventing wounds from being treated.

If your friend or close family member is resorting to such acts, you will know when you can see

  1. Unexplained wounds on the body at visible places.                                                                                
  2. Blood stains on clothing, linen or tissues near the individual or where he or she stays.                              
  3. If the person often carries sharp objects such as knives, needles, glasses shards or razors with him or her.                                                                                                                                                       
  4. When the person covers up quite obviously and much to the suspicion. For e.g. insisting to wear long sleeved shirts when the sun is blazing hot or refusing to step into swimming clothes when he or she has accepted to go out swimming.                                                                                                                 
  5. Preferring long periods of isolation and getting frustrated and flaring angry when you or someone else walks into their privacy.                                                                                                                          
  6. Constant bouts of irritability.
A professional Pain and Stress relief center will make a diagnosis only when there is adequate evidence to prove the fact that the individual has been causing harm to self.

A Self harm Story with more than 255,000 Hits
Warning: Faint-hearted people might get disturbed 

- Midwest Center
Stress relief treatment center, California