Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Typical Treatment methodologies of Drug treatment centers in California

There was a time when drug treatment centers in California were sprouting by the dozen every month. Each has their own treatment methodologies. Some work and some fail to see daylight. In a country where drug, alcohol or substance abuse is no alien concept and over 25 million adults and teenagers fall into the clutches of these substances, there is bound to be a remarkable development in the way the problem is approached. However, as much as there is a dramatic increase in number of treatment centers, quality does not seem to have made remarkable progress that it should. There is a huge number of celebrities in the country that resort to drug rehabilitation programs almost every week. However, instead of incorporating scientific methodologies, these centers offer abundant opportunities for splurging thousands of dollars on spa, baths and sea views.

Many Drug treatment centers in California must step away from the feel-good factors and outdated methodologies to provide evidence based care to drug victims. Successful treatment is seldom based on fancy approaches or even thousands of dollars. It must be long term since relapse is a large possibility. Regardless of the kind of approach, it is important for drug treatment centers to include the following aspects in some way or the other in order to observe success.

Source: Burback Teens
1. Detoxification

Largely handled in-house, Detoxification involves a series of activities to help victims deal with withdrawal symptoms such as tremors and depression and also to deal with professional and domestic problems (if any) due to absence from their regular hubs. 

2. Diagnosis

Most often, it has been observed that individuals resort to drugs or alcohol due to some innate or inherent psychological issue that has traumatized their past or present. It could be sleep disorders, rape, depression, anxiety or other tragic experiences that have triggered the habit. An accurate diagnosis helps in executing the right treatment methodology.

3. Cognitive therapy

Recognized worldwide as one of the most successful therapeutic approaches to depression, addictions and fear; Cognitive Behavior Therapy targets the problem and conditions the mind to seek alternative and positive triggers. The need to say ‘no’ to drugs is also instilled in the minds of victims quite strongly.  

4. Medication

FDA approved drugs are prescribed by medical professionals to bring down withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Besides psychological conditioning, medications also help post rehab individuals to abstain from their addiction. 

5. Family therapy

Drug treatment centers, California
Family plays a huge role in helping victims of drug or substance abuse come out of the habit, support them during the process and help them refrain from cravings once they have snapped out of it. This process very often takes months and in some extreme cases, may even last a year or more. Support of the family during this period is more important than ever. So, sessions of family therapy prepares them for the struggle ahead and also makes good damaged relationships that may have resulted from the habit.

Drug treatment centers in California append other suitable methodologies to this list to make their treatment approach holistic and effective.

- Midwest Center
Drug treatment center, California

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