Monday, 3 February 2014

Structure of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy based Treatments

A successful cognitive behavioral therapy center adopts the CBT approach because of its efficacy in handling myriad problems of the mind and the body. This kind of practical approach aims to change thought and behavioral patterns to get rid off people’s difficulties and also help them enable a change in their everyday lives. This treatment methodology has been shown to bring about important changes in treating wide ranging problems from sleeplessness to drug treatment and even the more chronic forms of depression. A change is enabled in individuals’ attitudes by creating differences in their thoughts, images and beliefs. The most important advantage offered by a proficient center for behavioral therapy lies in the speed of treatment.

A Cognitive behavioral therapy center administers the treatment approach in a structured manner. This is contrary to other forms of psychotherapies where the affected individuals are allowed to speak freely. Every case is individually considered and the individual lists problems that are specific to him or her to the therapist. Thereafter, the therapist plans the sessions accordingly with the individual and discusses the subjects that pertain to the client’s problem specifically. 

Structure of the treatment approach

In a center for behavioral therapy, the therapist usually conducts a few sessions over weeks that aim to reach the stated objective through different mediums.

a CBT session
1. Homework

Homework assignments vary according to the individual, the nature of problem and the prevailing stage of treatment. The client is expected to work on his or her homework assignments and come prepared for the next session. These assignments maintain a record of the progress he or she has been making. In the initial stage, the therapist can ask the client to maintain a diary and record all incidents, behaviors and words that trigger feelings of anxiety and depression before beginning the treatments for anxiety and depression. Further, a lot of exercises are done to help the individual cope with those triggers.
Cognitive behavioral therapy center

2. Group sessions

While a Cognitive behavioral therapy center performs the treatment one-to-one, there are group sessions especially in the initial stages. Although daunting to share something personal; talking to people who have gone through similar trauma can be enlightening and possible only at a center for behavioral therapy.

3. Why you need a structure?

A structure helps in prioritizing and streamlining therapy time. Instead of focusing on elements that may or may not be significant and wasting time, both the client and the therapist can use time more qualitatively in the presence of a structure.

- Midwest Center
Stress relief center, CA

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