Saturday, 21 December 2013

Things to know about the commonly unknown things of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

The demand for a successful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy center is on the rise and there are significant reasons for the increase. Cognitive behavior therapy is the most widely used and successful technique the world has seen. This form of therapy has been demonstrated beneficial for a large range of emotional disorders that include panic attacks, social anxiety disorders, phobias and depression. The fundamental premise of this therapy is built on addressing negative patterns. It is a two-prong treatment technique.
    Father of CBT
    Aaron T.Beck
     Father of  Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavior therapy reflects on how negativity in terms of thoughts and perceptions attribute to anxiety.
  • Behavior therapy represents how an individual behaves and responds to situations that are potential anxiety creators.
The pivotal point of the therapy lies on the fact that it is our thoughts and not the external events that serve as triggers to our behavior. In simple words, the situation has nothing or very little to do with how we behave and it is our perceptions that lead to our reactions.

A successful Center for Cognitive Therapy focuses on a treatment pattern that is holistic, self-usable and efficient in the long term. Therefore, the therapy centers on these pointers.

  • To determine coping strategies and relaxing techniques for offsetting panic and anxiety.
  • To confront fears, challenges and situations that are likely to upset you, so that you are equipped to handle complexities of life without the need for expert intervention.

Thus the effects of the therapy are considered to be long lasting and effective.

A CBT based Treatment Program

- Midwest Center
Attacking Anxiety and Depression

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