Thursday, 26 December 2013

Have Psychological services come of age?

Stress may be a common debilitating component in routine life but the way in which it impairs your routine is unique and personal. Therefore, a program that enables individuals to handle stress well must be equally distinctive. Stress can result in numerous bodily and mental disturbances that include fears, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and depression. Fears and phobias are common and are a part of every individual’s life but when such fears go on to inhibit you from attending to your routine, they can hamper several things.

Evolution of Psychological Services

Counseling and psychological services have been in United States for numerous decades and is perhaps as old as civilization; however in its very crude form. Over the years, psychological services have evolved to a more sophisticated, tangible and practical form. As much as your mind has the ability to conjure up several positive images, thoughts and feelings; it can also demonstrate the other side of things. Some, naturally or with experience learn the art of handling negativity and stress but some others find it difficult and succumb to the pressures. This is when expert intervention can help you turn things around for yourself.

Counseling and psychological servicesLife poses numerous challenges. They can be difficult to combat and transitions may be a lot more difficult to handle. Moving forward is a need and if you are struggling to even take that first step, there are experts who can help you. Psychologists, Counselors, Nutritionists and Speakers specifically design tools that are derived from years of experience and expertise to minimize and/or eliminate anxiety and stress and help individuals to think and perform better. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a scientific approach that is widely considered as one of the most effective and successful forms of treatment for problems of such nature. The primary objective of this therapy is to determine and change unhealthy ways of thinking and behaving.

How CBT helps?

The CBT approach uses a systematic process to relieve negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors by bringing a change in thought patterns. The practices help individuals challenge existing thought patterns and substitute negative thoughts with more positive ones. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is based on the concrete connection between thoughts, emotions and behavior. This approach is singularly more effective in handling stress disorders than many other more expensive therapies combined. However, expertise is vital in delivering this therapeutic approach effectively. While there are numerous relief centers ready with variety of treatments, choosing the center most suitable with good success percentage is important.

A much renowned Counselor and believer of CBT

- Midwest Center
Attacking Anxiety and Depression


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