Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Self Harm, a result of Stress: Signs and Symptoms.

A successful and professional Pain and Stress relief treatment center in California observes several kinds of cases of stress and depression on a daily basis. Stress and the more extreme depression can cause emotional strains and problems in an individual. But in some cases, it has been seen that stress also creates feelings of self harm in some. Such individuals consider harming self as a way of coping with problems. It serves as a fix to the problem momentarily or temporarily. But when the painful or tragic feelings return, the need to hurt yourself will come back again. As painful as it can sound, this condition can put you in despair, make you helpless and ruin your relationships. Early diagnosis can save you a lot of trouble and boost your confidence levels.

Any reputed Pain and Stress relief center or at least the Stress relief treatment center in California will list down the following signs and symptoms of self-injury in order to ensure possibility of identification in the early stages itself.
    Stress relief center
  • Extreme acts of self harm(mainly because of depression) that include cutting or scratching skin so as to make it bleed, burning, hitting or banging against wall, swallowing poisonous substances etc.
  • Less obvious ways can also be categorized under ways of hurting self and can include intentionally putting yourself in danger, drunken driving, unsafe sex, consumption of drugs in excess and intentionally preventing wounds from being treated.

If your friend or close family member is resorting to such acts, you will know when you can see

  1. Unexplained wounds on the body at visible places.                                                                                
  2. Blood stains on clothing, linen or tissues near the individual or where he or she stays.                              
  3. If the person often carries sharp objects such as knives, needles, glasses shards or razors with him or her.                                                                                                                                                       
  4. When the person covers up quite obviously and much to the suspicion. For e.g. insisting to wear long sleeved shirts when the sun is blazing hot or refusing to step into swimming clothes when he or she has accepted to go out swimming.                                                                                                                 
  5. Preferring long periods of isolation and getting frustrated and flaring angry when you or someone else walks into their privacy.                                                                                                                          
  6. Constant bouts of irritability.
A professional Pain and Stress relief center will make a diagnosis only when there is adequate evidence to prove the fact that the individual has been causing harm to self.

A Self harm Story with more than 255,000 Hits
Warning: Faint-hearted people might get disturbed 

- Midwest Center
Stress relief treatment center, California

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